-Hey, we are well into the winter, actually looking out the other side, and it is time to start looking at goals for 2007.
-Time to juggle the hours available in the coming months, to accomplish what needs to be done, putting structure to daily routines.
-What do I want to do and how do I best use my time to get there.
-Last year my goal was to train for a Quadratlon, getting to a fitness level that I would 'enjoy' the event day. That was interesting since I am not a swimmer nor had I run for 12 years.
-Everything worked out fine, the only negative thing was the time (3 hour workouts in the last month) taking away from family stuff. The training was actually enjoyable, plus I lost 10 pounds, and I am running again--------slow.
-Event day went well, I started out easy and finished strong, much stronger than I anticipated.
-Since I am not a swimmer, a swimming goal would be the obvious choice?
-My goal is to swim from the Banook Canoe Club in Lake Banook, out through the lake system, to the Warnica Marina in Lake Thomas--obviously not swimming through the locks/drops between Lake MicMac/Lake Charles, between Lake Charles and Lake Williams, and between Lake Williams and Lake Thomas.
My first look at a schedule, details to be identified.
-In the pool on February 26th, building a base over the following 3 months, swimming a minimum of 4 times a week, getting to the point I am swimming for 2 hours by Victoria Day weekend.
-Into the lake(s) in late May, steadily increasing time/milage.
-End of June, a 3 hour swim.
-End of July, a 4 hour swim.
-End of August, a 5 hour swim.
-Mid September, do the lakes.
As in above picture, I did get some early training last month off Veradaro.
Assuming I can maintain a 30-35 minute kilometer (told you I was very slow), I hope to finish in under 6 hours. Definite distances still to be measured by GPS, estimated at 12-13kms.
Obviously I would appreciate any comments from swimmers as to both goal, and methods to reach it--food, drink, etc..
It is not a race, I would like to maintain a steady pace, finishing basically the same as when I start.
You might enjoy watching the movie "On a Clear Day". A British film about an older gentleman who trains to swim the English Channel to France. He too, starts his training in a pool.
Nancy W
I would recommend going to New Zealand. If you haven't seen it, you haven't seen anything. Visit my blog for some pics... joannaarseneau.blogspot.com
It would be your paradise I am sure.
Love Jo-Anna
Is the juggling an upper body workout? Nice pic! :D
I agree w Nancy W. Good movie.
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