Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Dozen (12) weeks completed, Four (4) weeks to go.

Just completed 1st of 3 weeks of 'multiple' disciplines per day(including 'triples')...before final 2 weeks of toning down, pre-event.

Saturday evening with my good buddies Viking and Dipper before a workout 'in' the water, which was followed by a series of kayak intervals 'on' the water.

As well as the bike, kayak, and swim workouts are going, the running is becoming a bit depressing. I probably should have paid more attention over the past 12 years, when Orthopedic Surgeon Bill Stainish, after my 3rd scope on the left knee told me there was nothing else he could do-----the next thing is replacement.

Well there have been some good days with the running, the bad days are becoming more pronounced. I will cut back to twice a week to see if I can complete the approximate 5km TUNS run without having to walk the 'wonky' knee a couple times. Pictured with Scrounger, Imax, Dipper, Viking, and Lady Tess, just completing TUNS run.

Considering I can't do it now by itself, the idea of running (jogging), without walking, the final discipline of the Quadrathlon, after completing the swim, pedal, paddle, seems remote but who knows. It is 'only' 5km, eh!

There is an old saying: 'They shoot horses, don't they?'--Well, they are keeping Barbaro alive, hoping to put him out to stud. Maybe they will do the same with an old warhorse like me?