Four (4) weeks done, Ten (10) to go.
Really nice to see the sun, makes doing stuff most enjoyable.
Had a nice week of training, building my base milage. Highlight of the week was 35kms in 28*C heat which my body handled very well--noting the humidity was 85% , compared to 96% the other day.

I'm starting to get that same feeling when I was training for marathons in the mid 80's, where you are not really tired, but always on that edge of being tired--it's a nice feeling---hopefully I'm not just actually showing I'm old.
I'm off next week for 5 days of hiking in the White Mountains--I assume hiking 7-9 miles and climbing 4,000 to 5,000 feet elevation each day will amount to some sort of cross training. I will take my wet suit and hope to get 2 or 3 swims in--Time will tell, eh!