Sungod's lament or muse?----The last time I was in any sort of real fitness was over 12 years ago, can I get in shape one more time?
But first:
-I've never been one to recognize the importance of why people perceive a 10th anniversary to be more important than a 9th or an 11th----or why we tend to recognize, what I call, 'Hallmark Holidays', such as Valentine's Day, Father's Days, Mother's Day, ad infinitum.
-I feel it's either just another number (hopefully there will be more) or just another day. (hopefully you treat your sweetie, father, etc. extra nice every day)
-All that being said, when I turned 60 in January, I got a certain tingle--this is special, this is old, there is not that much time left. I should do something, but what?
-What about a Fall Quadrathlon? My training, to say the least, has been barely minimal maintainance since 3 knee operations and my retirement 12 years ago.
-Can I get in shape one more time or is the curve too slippery?
-I did start swimming in February to get to a base of a KM on a regular basis and paddled in March, primarily for the Kenduskeag, and planned to continue. Biking would take care of itself and I had no plans to run at all--just do the 5KM on race day and suffer.
-Everything fell apart when I had to have my pacemaker replaced--battery wore out--there goes the swimming. Nancy and I then went to Mexico for 4 weeks and did absolutely 'nothing.' Back to 'SQUARE ZERO'
WELL, I'M STILL GOING TO DO IT on September 17, 2006
Training started June 12. 2006, with a 30km ride. Tuesday, a swim and 1st day in the Sky.
-Where would I fit in with the distances?
750 meter swim--not being a swimmer, this will be the toughest to reach. I plan on swimming 3 times a week, starting with 10 minutes the first week, increasing by 5 minutes each week, until doing 30 minute swims (which should equal a km)--then will start some interval stuff.
4,000 meter paddle-have a maintainance basis now, and will try to get 2 training sessions in each week, intensifying in August. Will I be able to paddle the Sky? Will Brucie loan me the Sprint?
20,000 meter pedal-this requires the most effort since this is the area the most time can be lost, or made up. relevent to fitness. Minimum of 2 mid week rides of 30 kms, increasing intensity. Some longer weekend rides.
5,000 meter run--this is the easiest part because I am not going to train. My bone on bone left knee would not allow any--I will run the distance on race day--with at least 6 Ibruprophen in my system.
For anyone that may be interested, I plan on daily updates on training and thoughts, they will be short. Sorry for the long first one.